Summary Report

Sovereign Macro- Weekly Latin America Market Outlook Oct 18, 2021

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Sovereign Macro- Weekly Latin America Market Outlook

October 18, 2021

Summary: the global outlook is turning more complex and challenging for EM. The talk of global stagflation appears exaggerated since growth has substantial forward momentum -allowing many economies to grow above potential next year-, and inflation should stay high and sticky for at least the next six months but decelerating. That said, financial conditions in the US continue to tighten in tandem with inflation worries and the imminent start of policy normalization. China is still the weaker engine of global growth; the latest bank lending data slowed to under 12% annually for the first time since 2005 and my estimation of TSF annual growth also slowed for the 7th month in a row. The PBOC noted that problems in the property sector were overblown, it was acting to maintain stable liquidity, and denied direct support to the property sector or intentions to ease on the broader objective of deleveraging the economy; rate cuts seem unlikely. Ongoing problems related to energy shortages and the path forward for the property sector will take time to resolve thus denting confidence. Europe, including the UK are still facing strong headwinds due to sharp increases in energy prices and solutions such as helping producers financially or reducing taxes sound good on paper but will not provide a sustained solution. Even China is letting energy prices rise. There are other developments in the US that attest to the challenging dynamics of the labor market. More companies are facing labor strikes such as in John Deere (10k workers), Kellog’s (1400) and Kaiser Permanente (34k). Demands include higher pay and better benefits. Conversely, it is not uncommon to hear radio adds recruiting truck drivers all over the country. At the same time people are quitting jobs at an alarming rate, some are calling it “the great resignation”. The anecdotal evidence of a seriously impaired labor market is mounting, and this should result in further and more permanent wage pressures. The government is trying to ameliorate pressures on the supply chain for instance by announcing a reopening of the border with Mexico to facilitate trade flows. A new buzz word is nearshoring (as opposed to offshoring) to indicate that companies are simplifying their logistics to geographically closer locations and avoid the nightmare of dealing with an unpredictable and unfriendly China; Mexico and Brazil stand to benefit. Elsewhere in policy land, this was a hawkish week for central banking. The IMF added its two cents recommending central banks to be “very very vigilant” and act early to avoid large inflation upside surprises, too late perhaps. More controversial was its suggestion that anchoring expectations should be more important than letting the labor market heal. The FED’s minutes reaffirmed the start of the normalization process, and it was noteworthy that members already discussed the prospects of rate hikes. Brazil’s Bacen continued to press its case to meet the 3.5% inflation target in 2022; Chile surprised with so far the largest hike in the region of 125bp; Mexico published hawkish minutes. Colombia’s BCRP board members are still reluctant to accelerate the pace of normalization. EM will have to reassess its relative monetary position going forward. Old parameters are likely to be challenged.

Jaime Valdivia

Jaime Valdivia
Emerging Markets - Macro Analyst
New York, USA


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