Resumo do Relatório
Remember 1974? Lessons for macro and real estate markets
- The first oil price crisis led to a marked decline of values of investment properties in the UK, the USA and Switzerland, both nominally and in real terms
- UK commercial real estate went trough a deep crisis in 1974-1975. In contrast, the Swiss real estate indices were soon pointingupwards. Swiss real estate (above all residential investment properties) provided successful protection against inflation and created additional value for investors
- But even in the UK, which was struggling with overwhelming inflation problems, capital values recovered. However, in real terms,total returns fell for three consecutive years (1974-1976) before staging a recovery.
- The rise in interest rates was also significant in Switzerland in the early 1970s (approx. 200 basis points between 1972 and 1974). Inflation remained above 10% for some quarters. The brutal appreciation of the CHF as one of the consequences of the abandonment of “Bretton Woods”led to substantially lower interest rates again. Mortgage interest rates in Switzerland reached in the second half of the 70ies much lower levels thepre-oil-crisis. But this came at a price: the appreciation of the CHF has led to a number ofeconomic problems that should not be underestimated
- Compared with other countries, where stagflation prevailed, the trend towards lower mortgage interest rates in Switzerland was an aberration. Mortgage rates in the US and UK only fell in the 1980s, when Volcker, for example, took tough measures to get inflation under control
- If Switzerland wanted to decouple itself from other countries in the event of a possible stagflation, the CHF would have to appreciate again significantly. Or we would need to see a complete loss of confidence and a structural weakness in the USD or EUR. Sowe don’t have high hopes of a decoupling of Swiss macroeconomic development from other countries in the current environment. Switzerland would therefore go trough a stagflation, even if a slight strength in the Swiss franc would somewhat reduce the effects in Switzerland.
- If we look back at the years 1970-1990, we also have torealize that the good protection against inflation was also due to the fact thatreal estate was able to deliver robust income returns at the time
- Unfortunately, the higher interest and yield levels at that time suggest that –before inflation protection takes effect during an inflationary phase –the currently extremely low net yields need to rise. (This applies not only to Switzerland but also to some core markets abroad)
Such a trend towards substantially higher net yields could, on the one hand, be painful for investors who are caught flat-footed. On the other hand, the experiences from this higher phase of inflation also give hope that real estate really does offer protection against inflation after an initial shock. One should therefore already prepare mentally and financially for such enormous opportunities.
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