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Sovereign Macro- Weekly Latin America Market Outlook December 6, 2021

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Sovereign Macro- Weekly Latin America Market Outlook

December 6, 2021

Summary: the FED isn’t blinking, and it seems that the hurdle to postpone acceleration of the tapering is quite high confirming a difficult outlook for EM in 2022. The FED has every intention to look through the Omicron shock even if the economy slows at the margin. The rationale is that the economic impact of new variants is incrementally smaller without derailing the above potential growth outlook. Powell’s prepared notes in his testimony as well as his answers during the Q&A session, -later seconded by Mester, Bostic, Daly and Bullard- were unequivocally hawkish indicating his willingness to consider accelerating the tapering and ending it a few months ahead of the current schedule. He also threw in the towel on “transitory” saying that it was time to retire the term to qualify inflation, shooting down the last vestige of hope of a short-lived inflationary episode. Powell’s remarks were in line with my call of doubling the taper in the December meeting and to see 3 hikes in 2022, many sell side shops are now converging to my view expressed 3 weeks ago. Powell indicated that Omicron was only a risk to the outlook and was excluded from their baseline forecasts. Once information about the new variant is clearer, -we may see news on this as soon as this week- I may have to reconsider my baseline path of normalization but at this point I am not persuaded to change since opinions about the virulence of Omicron by the scientific community are quite divided. The market is now pricing 3 hikes in ’22 and 3 in ’23 and none in ’24; I believe it is underestimating the path of the Fed Funds especially beyond 2022 after which we should be at least pricing a neutral rate of 2.5%. Across the pond, inflation came much higher than expected in Europe and German chancellor Scholz opined that if inflation didn’t ease (4.9% y/y in November), it may be necessary to act decisively, putting pressure on the ECB in its upcoming meeting. The latest labor market data in the US was strong overall. While the payroll number disappointed, the household survey showed a robust increase of 1.13mn jobs with unemployment falling to 4.2% in a context of higher LFP, quite positive. The news on inflation were not terrible. Wage pressures remain high (AHE held steady at 4.8% annually and AHE for non-supervisory workers accelerated to 5.9%) but held broadly steady, oil prices declined sharply -OPEC+ decided to keep production increases unchanged-, and gasoline prices are moving lower. Prices paid for manufacturing goods and services decelerated. Monthly house price increases came in below expectations, but annual increases are still very high. I think the impact of Omicron on inflation is a short-term relief, for instance on energy, but mobility restrictions induce downward rigidity to prices (information about improving supply chain conditions appears questionable at best) keeping inflation high for longer even if we see some downward revisions to growth. This is no time for Central banks in Latam to slow the pace of normalization. In the next couple of weeks, we should see Brazil hike another 150bp, and keep going, BCCH at least another 100bp, and keep going and Banxico another 25bp and for sure continue. Banrep will be under pressure to accelerate after the release of inflation data for November. All central banks are in urgent need of re-anchoring expectations that seem to be slipping away and to provide some modicum of stability in currencies.

The highlight of the coming week in the US will be the release of November inflation which the market is expecting at 70bp but could surprise on the upside touching an annual increase of 7% on headline and 5% on core. With an upside surprise, the deal for the acceleration of the tapering may be done. Watch also on the start of discussions about managing the downsizing of the FED’s balance sheet, which in my opinion has been underestimated by investors. We will also have data Jolts and the U Michigan of inflation expectations. The BOE will announce its survey of 12m ahead inflation expectations.

In Latam, the action will be focused on the Copom meeting and the latest inflation prints in Mexico, Chile and Brazil. I am expecting that Bacen will keep the pace at 150bp and end the cycle at 12% around March. IBGE will report inflation for November after the meeting and should be similar to IPCA15. Chile and Mexico will also release their inflation data for November. As backdrop, Mexico released its latest inflation expectations survey which showed a continued deterioration across the board but seemingly insufficient to sway members to accelerate the pace of tightening. Chile will also release its latest inflation and policy rate survey where I don’t expect many changes especially for the next meeting when I keep my expectation of a hike of at least 100bp.


Jaime Valdivia

Sovereign Macro

Founder and Chief Economist

Jaime Valdivia

Jaime Valdivia
Macro Analista - Mercados Emergentes
Nova Iorque, EUA

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