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Sovereign Macro- Brazil COPOM Minutes and Commentary

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Sovereign Macro- Brazil COPOM Minutes and Commentary

November 3, 2021

Bottom line: The minutes reiterated an already hawkish stance by the Copom explaining in some detail that it was mostly motivated by the sharp deterioration in the fiscal outlook, and to some extent in persisting inflationary pressures. The main takeaways are as follows. 1. The fiscal risks will lead to higher risk premia, increasing risks of de anchoring inflation expectations, a stronger upward bias to inflation risks, and the probability that inflation performs above their baseline inflation projections. “Therefore, the COPOM concludes that the appropriate monetary stance is significantly more restrictive than in the baseline scenario”.  The baseline included a year end Selic of 8.75% while we will get to 9.25% at a minimum. 2. The new baseline pace is 150bp per meeting, but the Copom left the door open to accelerate it if the outlook worsens. It believes that the new pace will be sufficient to meet Bacen’s objective to get to the target of 3.5% next year. 3. The fiscal risks can increase the (long term) neutral real rate of the economy, which according to Bacen, now stands at 3%. 4. The asymmetry in the balance of risks results in a higher probability that the (short term) neutral rate is higher. 5. While inflation remains at worrisome levels, Bacen indicated that recent increases were due to higher commodity prices and the FX depreciation. For now, I remain with my terminal rate call of 12%, including two consecutive hikes of 150 bp and ending with a 125bp hike in March. If inflation expectations for 2022 stay at 3.27%, the real ex-ante policy rate will climb to 8.5%, the highest since 2007, and likely push the economy into recession.



  • Global environment will be more challenging in 2022
  • Inflation in Brazil is high and more persistent than anticipated and has higher diffusion including components of core inflation. The main source of recent inflationary pressures are the combination of higher commodities prices and FX depreciation.
  • Fiscal issues: the extension of pandemic related spending worsens the fiscal trajectory and increase risk premia. It raises the risk of de-anchoring of inflation expectations and increases the upward asymmetry of the balance of risks of inflation. This implies that there is a higher probability that inflation performs above the baseline scenario projections. In light of recent events, the bias toward higher inflation increased. “Therefore, the COPOM concluded that the appropriate monetary stance is significantly more restrictive than in the baseline scenario”.
  • Moreover, the delay in the implementation of structural reforms and permanent changes in the adjustment of fiscal accounts can increase the neutral rate of the economy.
  • The Copom believes that the de-anchoring of expectations can have serious adverse long-term effects for the economy, and this motivated its decision to choose a rate trajectory consistent with inflation converging to the target in 2022.
  • The Copom considered scenario of larger rate increases than 150bp but believed that with hikes of 150 bp and different terminal rates the policy is consistent, “at this moment”, with meeting the target in 2022 even when considering the prevailing balance of risks.

 Jaime Valdivia

Sovereign Macro

Founder and Chief economist


Jaime Valdivia

Jaime Valdivia
Macro Analista - Mercados Emergentes
Nova Iorque, EUA

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