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Sovereign Macro- Banxico Preview, Pick your poison

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Sovereign Macro- Banxico Preview, Pick your poison

December 10, 2021

Bottom line: Banxico will likely hike its policy rate by 25bp in its upcoming due to the lack of consensus among its members to tackle a worsening inflationary problem. A 50 bp hike would not be a surprise -I had already called for a 50bp hike in the November meeting and data has only worsened- but it hinges on Governor Diaz de Leon’s opinion. He has the key. My call for the terminal rate is now at 7-7.25% from 6.5% previously.

It has become abundantly clear that the pace of adjustment of the policy rate has been insufficient to control inflationary pressures and anchor expectations despite the strength of the currency and the absence of serious demand pressures. Banxico recognizes that the balance of risks continues to deteriorate and is still on the upside especially after today’s eye watering inflation print. The staff will have to revise up once again its inflation projections for 2021 since meeting their q4 headline forecast of 6.8% would require deflation of 16bp in December. Not happening. They will probably hit the projection for core which is a good thing. Their projections for 2022 and the timing of convergence to the target will be revised as well. With this in mind, one has to question – I will get to the pace in a minute- what should be the right policy stance to address the problems I just mentioned. Lacking guidance from the board is unfortunate but in my view the policy stance should move to a contractionary posture as soon as possible, neutral doesn’t cut it anymore. Or at the very least to the top of the neutral rate band at 3.4% in real terms. Since inflation expectations on average over the next two years are at 3.8%, it means that the terminal policy rate should be in the 7-7.25% area, not in the 6.5% that I had previously called for. If this were the rate that prevailed at the end of 2022, the spread to Fed Funds -assuming that the futures markets are correct in pricing 3 FED hikes- would be about 6-6.25%, a level comparable to the period of mid 2017-end 2019, high but not extraordinarily so. Now, the pace. Banxico will have to pick its poison between continuing to hike at 25 or at 50bp a meeting. Doing it at a slow pace takes the unnecessary risk of allowing expectations to continue to rise and perhaps require a higher terminal rate and a longer period of tightening. It’s like trying to cure Covid with cough medicine. Doing it at a somewhat faster pace is no guarantee of success but it does diminish the risk that expectations continue to rise and may actually shorten the cycle. I firmly believe that this is what Banxico should do as I wrote in the preview of the last meeting when I called for a 50bp hike. But we are in the business of what will happen, not what should happen. The reason why I think a 25 bp is more likely is because the board is divided in 3 between those who want 25, those who are open to, but not convinced, accelerating the pace to 50 and the lone deputy governor who opposes hikes. In the minutes it was clear that deputy governor Borja and governor Diaz de Leon -my sincere apologies if this is not the case- voted for 25 bp and they are the ones that could make a difference. The governor has always believed that gradual adjustments are preferable and more efficient because they allow for the smooth adjustment of financial markets and relative prices. To be fair, we have not seen anything out of whack to suggest that markets are under stress. I believe that the governor will have a hard time to move to a 50bp hike and betray his long-standing belief in gradualism but is not impossible for him to change especially after the latest news on inflation and expectations. Deputy governor Borja has been cautious in her decisions, coming a bit late to the consensus of 25 bp hikes, so I don’t expect her to vote for a 50 bp adjustment. This is Diaz de Leon’s last policy decision and can set the stage for what is coming in 2022. Hiking by 50bp would probably set a minimum pace for the first meeting next year, saving incoming governor Rodriguez from a tough decision.

All of this aside, I wish to recognize governor Diaz de Leon for his tremendous performance in very troubled times, protecting the institution against clear attempts to violate its independence. I also wish him well in his future endeavors. All the best Alejandro.

Jaime Valdivia

Sovereign Macro

Founder and Chief economist

Jaime Valdivia

Jaime Valdivia
Macro Analista - Mercados Emergentes
Nova Iorque, EUA

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